Perhaps Henry Wadsworth Longfellow captures the essence of our day of exploration and adventure.

“My soul is full of longing,

For the secrets of the sea,

And the heart of the great ocean

Sends a thrilling pulse through me.”

Here, at the end of the Inside Passage, to be momentarily exposed to the wide open and mighty Gulf of Alaska, shows us how powerful these waters are. Even on a fortunately mild day the currents still rush through the narrow gaps of the last few worn and weathered islands. Hikes, kayaks, and cruises each bestow a unique perspective on the mystery of this dynamic region. With the swirling tides and eddies comes an infusion of life. Fish are practically funneled into the waiting mouths of Steller sea lions. These massive mammals cavort and play in the seething seas, and are curious enough to come close and inspect these large inflatable chew toys filled with creatures that delight in their antics. The more cautious sea otters float on their backs, content in keeping their distance in the massive forests of bull kelp that thrive in turbulent environment.

Simply venturing out into the unknown conditions is exciting enough but the joy of searching is matched by the almost cathartic release of discovery. Practically stumbling upon humpback whales provides a rush that only intensifies when these enormous animals decide to come even closer. The dawning realization that the telescoping lens on your camera is far too long to capture the moment sends hands frantically searching rain gear pockets for something able to accommodate the forty-foot-long cetacean gently sidling up to the boat. To experience such a singular moment, however brief, and even glimpse into the secrets of the deep, truly resonates the very core of one’s self in a way that only the sea can.