We spent our last morning together at the beautiful Isla Danzante. An easy climb offered us magnificent views of the bay. The conditions were perfect for an expedition landing craft cruise along the shoreline. The flat water made for a relaxed paddle in a kayak. The crystal clear visibility allowed us to snorkel with colorful fish, sea stars, and rays. Swimming back to shore I was struck by the quiet of the bay that was occasionally interrupted by the sounds of laughter and chatter among friends on the beach. It was a perfect place to end our adventure together.  

Looking back over the past two weeks it is hard to believe all that we have experienced. We have seen this place with eyes of curiosity, astonishment, and wonder. Through the eyes of our cameras we have captured some of its beauty and diversity, and we are bringing some of its magic back home with us. We’ve hiked over textured dunes and through forests of cactus and boojums. We’ve crossed paths with snakes, lizards, and birds. We’ve been to battle with the bobitos and admitted defeat. We’ve seen rays fly, whales leap, and birds swim. We’ve been swimming with sea lions, and we’ve been eye to eye with gray whales. This has been one remarkable journey, indeed! And it was made all the more remarkable because of the group of people that shared it. Thank you all for your contribution to these magical two weeks in Baja California!