Happy World Oceans Day! It was such an exciting day to be aboard the National Geographic Sea Lion exploring the sea and the diverse life it supports.

The day began early searching for cetaceans, birds, and pinnipeds. As we sailed towards our anchorage in the Inian Islands we were rewarded with a brief sighting of a minke whale, a humpback whale cruising the shoreline and plenty of pelagic cormorants.

After breakfast we took to the expedition landing craft donning rain gear and warm hats and with binoculars in hand. We easily maneuvered through kelp and between jagged rocks, spotting grooming sea otters, boisterous sea lions, and nesting gulls. The waters all around us churned with immense power and the trees lining the shoreline were filled with more bald eagles than we could count.

Our afternoon activities took place on much calmer waters in Port Althorp. Kayakers explored the bay while bushwhackers and hikers stretched their legs in the forest.  

We have so much to be thankful for when it comes to our blue planet, including the air we breathe, the fish we eat, and the memories made in these Alaskan waters.