After our sail to Craignure on the Isle of Mull, we boarded our coach for a stunning drive across the island. Sheila, our driver, entertained us with her commentary. As we drove, we all spotted a sea eagle! It was just a few hundred yards from us, and it flew up and away, landing behind some rocks. It was an amazing sighting—so close!

After a short ferry ride, we explored the island of Iona, walking around the ruined nunnery and the restored abbey. St. Columba landed on this island in 563 AD and spread Celtic Christianity. The abbey and nunnery were built in the 13th century, but by the 16th century, they’d fallen into disrepair. The abbey was restored in the 20th century and is now being used by the Iona community. After our informative tour and a bit of time to explore on our own, we had a light and tasty lunch at a local hotel.

Our luck held today, as each time we were out and about, we had lovely sunshine. Once we were back indoors, it poured. This constantly changing weather made for dramatic skies and great photography. We continued exploring, visiting the 13th century Duart Castle, inhabited by Sir Lachlan MacLean and his family.

Back aboard Lord of the Glens, we were treated to a talk by Pippa of the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust, a local charity supported by Lindblad Expeditions. After another delicious dinner, many of us decided to explore Tobermory and hear live music in the local pubs. A lovely ending to a memorable day.