Happy holidays from the Officers, Staff, and Crew aboard National Geographic Explorer! We were awoken on Christmas morning to perfect conditions! Beautiful, sunny blue skies and little wind meant it was going to be a golden opportunity for enjoying the holiday out in the elements, both on deck and on shore.

We began the morning sailing through the Lemaire Channel, the most scenic and narrow passage of the voyage. Breathtaking views of snow-covered mountains that seemingly stretch forever into the sky, the clouds gently blanketing them. The water was smooth like glass, casting picture-perfect reflections of the mountains on the water.

With conditions permitting, we took Zodiac tours around Booth Island. Penguins were porpoising in the water and a gentle, cool breeze accompanied by the sun, made for a wonderful morning spent exploring this beautiful part of Antarctica.

Coming back aboard, we were treated to a Christmas lunch on deck! The best weather one could ask for, great company, and delicious food prepared by the galley made the holiday lunch extra special! After lunch and time for a nap, we rested up for the rest of the day’s activities, sure to keep us busy.

The afternoon took us to Dorian Bay, a cove on the northwest side of Wiencke Island. There are British and Argentine huts onsite. A beautiful, but strenuous hike that rewarded us with an epic view was an option many chose to take. For others who were feeling up to the challenge, there was an option to both kayak and hike! The paddle out was simple, but with the moving current, we worked up a sweat making our way back to the ship.

The evening’s festivities to celebrate Christmas included some visitors from Port Lockroy, who joined us for a holiday feast. After dinner, there was dancing, singing, and lots of activity in the lounge bar.

With our bellies full of turkey and our hearts content from spending such a perfect day exploring yet another part of the White Continent, we went to sleep, looking forward to our morning visit to Port Lockroy, also known as the Penguin Post Office!

Happy holidays to all!