Navigation today took us through the Drake Passage and into the Beagle Channel for arrival in Ushuaia in the early evening. Crossing the Drake was uneventful in terms of weather and sea conditions.

The Drake Passage, named after Sir Francis Drake, is a famous body of water that connects the Antarctic Peninsula with the southern tip of South America. Guests enjoyed clear views of Cape Horn as our crossing was completed, and it was even possible to view the albatross monument on top of a cliff located close to the lighthouse. The monument is in memory of all those mariners who lost their lives attempting to round the Cape.

After passing the Cape, our voyage continued north until we reached the eastern entrance of the Beagle Channel. During our navigation through the channel, guests were thrilled to observe many black-browed albatrosses. After this viewing, the hotel department arranged a wonderful cheese and wine event with much Chilean and Argentinian flare. At around 9:30 in the evening, National Geographic Resolution was alongside the Ushuaia dock, having completed another successful voyage to Antarctica in terms of breathtaking scenery and wildlife.