At 4 a.m., the sun was rising in Alaska. As guests on the National Geographic Sea Bird woke up and got out of their cabins, they experienced a new and magical landscape where icebergs floated just outside their windows as we cruised toward Tracy Arm to admire Sawyer Glacier.

It was pup season in Alaska and many female seals were gathering in the safety of the glacier ice to give birth and nurse their pups for the next six weeks. As we cruised toward the glacier in expedition landing craft, we spotted many adorable seal pups with their mothers.

In the afternoon, 19 brave guests dove into the icy-cold, iceberg-filled waters of Alaska right in front of South Sawyer Glacier to take part in our Polar Plunge tradition! Right after the plunge, we started sailing to our new destination—but stopped after just a few minutes when a naturalist spotted a beautiful black bear at the edge of the fjord. The bear was focused on looking for barnacles and mussels to eat, and we admired its beauty from the ship. It was a truly magical first day in Alaska, full of adventure and beautiful memories!