As we made our way towards Sawyer Glacier early this morning we were greeted by a beautiful large black bear sow foraging through the rock weed for mussels and clams. The surrounding landscape was also a treat as we enjoyed picturesque cascades traveling down the spectacular fjord walls while sipping our coffees and taking in our last Alaskan morning aboard National Geographic Sea Bird.

Our guests aboard expedition landing craft braved the rain as they maneuvered around the brilliant blue icebergs scattered throughout Tracy Arm. Cocoa-boats emerged in the distance carrying brave Viking women with hot chocolates in hand to keep everyone warm while enjoying views of the impressive glacier and the curious harbor seals peeking up through the sea ice.

The elusive Alaskan sunshine finally greeted us in the afternoon just in time for the polar plunge! Fourteen swimmers braved the 44 degree water while the cozy and warm onlookers from the bow found entertainment off the ship beyond the daily wildlife encounters.

Our evening together aboard National Geographic Sea Bird couldn’t have been a better bookend to our trip–with 30+ whales within view feeding and breaching. We began our voyage together greeted by whales, and we are being sent home with incredible memories of Southeast Alaska’s spectacular wildlife, lush landscapes, and memorable moments with family and new friends throughout our expedition together.