The rain that was forecast and promised for the whole trip finally found us today. But it did not dampen spirits — everyone was keen to get out in the Zodiacs for an up-close-and-personal experience with glacial ice and the surrounding environment. One amazing perk of the skies opening up on us was the enlivening of the mountains by an amazing abundance of waterfalls. They came in all forms — from trickles and slivers of white, to raging muddy torrents creating their own clouds of mist as they hit the fjord’s waterline. It certainly was an atmospheric morning afloat in front of South Sawyer Glacier, and the arrival of the hotel boat peddling its hot and spiked beverages was cheered by everyone.

Once back on board and dry, a few housekeeping activities kept us busy in the afternoon. The “map my voyage” activity with naturalist Kim was well attended — unsurprising, given that everyone wanted to remember where they had been on this spectacular voyage. The evening’s slideshow was the perfect closure to an unforgettable seven days aboard National Geographic Quest.