Southeast Alaska is renowned for its stunning fjords, carved by ancient glaciers that weave through towering mountains and dense forests. During today’s expedition, we had the privilege of exploring these majestic landscapes, witnessing the dramatic beauty of the South Sawyer Glacier icebergs and venturing to the face by Zodiac for an up-close encounter with nature's icy wonders.

Where towering ice cliffs calve into the sea, spectacular icebergs form of varying shapes and sizes. These icebergs, sculpted by nature's relentless forces, ranged from small, crystalline pieces to massive, blue-tinged behemoths that floated serenely in the fjord's icy waters. Each iceberg seemed like a unique sculpture, reflecting the sunlight in hues of cobalt and white, a testament to the glacier's inexorable movement and transformation. They become resting spots for harbor seals, gulls, and eagles.

Kayaking through the calm waters surrounded by mountains and lush forests is a truly magical experience. Gliding past glaciers and icebergs while keeping an eye out for seals, otters, and even whales is an unforgettable thrill. The region's diverse marine life and pristine waterways make it a kayaker's paradise. A chilly polar plunge and Zodiac driving for the Global Explorers made for an unforgettable expedition!