The dawn did not really break today as National Geographic Explorer made her way into Tromsø, the land of the midnight sun, the most northerly city in the world and the gateway to the Arctic. We have now entered the realm of 24-hour daylight. The day was bright, sunny and cool. The options opened to the guests were varied, with visits to the Polar Museum, the magnificent Arctic Cathedral that overlooks the town, the Tromsø Museum, and an option to take a birdwatching walk along the coastal edges of Hella Island. The museums were filled with excellent exhibits and the cathedral is a marvelous building. The birdwatchers enjoyed fantastic views of willow grouse, golden plover and the beautiful ruff. The birdwatchers also had the first reindeer sighting of the trip as they made their way back to the ship. The afternoon was free for the guests to enjoy a relaxing time in the town, before setting off in the evening to make our way across the Barents Sea and to Bear Island, the first island of the Svalbard Archipelago.