This morning, we awoke to a beautiful sunrise over the water as we got settled in to ship life. We spent the morning enjoying a presentation on colonialism in the Caribbean and learning more from Krista Rossow about her incredible time working with National Geographic. We set sail and made a remarkable 7 knots on our way to Union Island in the Grenadines.

The afternoon was jam packed with guided snorkels, photo walks, and live music at Sunset Cove in Chatham Bay. As we made our way back to Sea Cloud, Paula announced a rum tasting on the Lido Deck for everyone to enjoy. St. Vincent and the Grenadines is known in the Caribbean for their local rums. Our fearless bartenders, Bachi and Charles, explained each rum as we sampled them.

We wrapped up our evening with a spectacular dinner on the aft deck and with a round of shanties from the crew.