Today we had the right winds for sailing. At 8:00 in the morning the crew was sent to “hit the rig”. It was not only about looking at the splendor of thirty sails opened to the wind, this was about a feeling. We were transported back to the day when humans understood and respected the true power of nature. It is a privilege to sail on board a four-masted barque built in 1931!

By 1400 we dropped the anchor at Chatham Bay, Union Island, a jewel of the Grenadines.

By 1430 most guests were at the beach ready for snorkeling, paddle boarding, and swimming. Lindblad Certified Photo Instructor Cindy Manning took several people for a sunset walk. They enjoyed the amazing music of the Dynamic Duo, a steel band playing at Sunset Cove Bar, while the sun set below the horizon.

There was more waiting for us on board Sea Cloud: rum tasting, recaps, Caribbean barbecue dinner, the salty shanties with our crew, and disco dancing. Life is lived to the fullest on a Lindbland-National Geographic voyage to the Lesser Antilles on board Sea Cloud!