It was quiet and dark when we woke this morning. The light of dawn revealed a narrow channel surrounded by large conifers, spruce, hemlock, and cedar. The sun came up with a blaze of light reflecting off the still water of Lowe Inlet.

Zodiac cruises and kayak excursions commenced. At the far end of the inlet, water burst over steep dark rocks creating Verney Falls. Fish jumped, harbor seals dove into the froth of the waterfall, and even a sea lion joined in catching a salmon or two for lunch. The dark body of a black bear walking along a grassy beach caught our attention. This was all before noon.

Our afternoon hikes were along the forested reach of Granville Channel in rarely visited Union Passage Marine Provincial Park. Hiking in the wilderness through branches and bushes brought us to the soft, boggy openness of the muskeg. We enjoyed spectacular views of Granville Channel from the top of the muskeg while a light breeze cooled us.

We thought the day’s excitement was over, but killer whales and humpback whales surfaced now and again around National Geographic Venture as we sipped cocktails in the evening light.