This morning the ship made its way along the coast of Vancouver Island, docking just after breakfast at the harbor in Victoria. As we stepped off the boat, rain gear was prepared as we walked through the official entrance to Canada. Although the weather was initially dreary with low-hung clouds, optimism paved the way for a much brighter outlook for exploration within the capital of British Colombia.

A wealth of options were provided for the choice of how guests might like to spend the morning and afternoon. Some decided to brave the grim forecast and take a more adventurous approach to see the city, opting for the 12-mile cycling trip with stops at the harbor, a local pub, and a nearby castle.

Others chose the more educational route, under the guidance of a local guide, which involved a walk through the city, covering thousands of years of history as well as a boat ride to Ogden Point. The legislature building and royal museum were on the agenda for others, with the opportunity to view the preserved cultural property of the province as a whole. A garden walk to explore several private curations scattered throughout the city, or an architecture tour of the town to highlight different buildings in the area gave yet another choice for sightseeing.

Following lunch, there were a couple of hours in the afternoon that allowed for a second choice of activities. In the evening, everyone gathered at the Robert Bateman Centre for appetizers and drinks while admiring artwork.