We welcomed our first full day of the cruise with the vessel passing giant blue icebergs and rafts of scoters as the National Geographic Sea Lion entered Holkham Bay.           

An excursion into Williams Cove led to hikes into the moss and lichen laden rainforest. Our first encounter with the  muskeg bogs and the spongy terrain revealed a scenic water lily pond and sundews. Signs of bears were seen as we walked the bear trails, as wild flowers like shy maidens peeking behind Sitka spruce trees.   Some had the chance to wet their paddles, kayaking in the tranquil blue waters bordered by a shoreline of orange rock kelp. 

The expedition landing craft trips ventured around icebergs and swimming harbor seals as we entered further into Tracy Arm towards South Sawyer glacier.  Several scenic nameless waterfalls were seen trickling into the fjord near North Sawyer glacier while others were gushing from snowmelt.  A great calving was witnessed by the latter group of adventurers where nearly half of the glacier face plunged into the icy waters.  It’s been a great start to our expedition.