This morning, we arrived at the Southeast Alaskan town of Wrangell. Wrangell is home to a wonderful mix of cultures, including Tlingit, Russian, American, and Canadian. Some of our guests visited Chief Shakes community house to learn more about the Tlingit people and their culture. The house is a reconstruction of the original house where we enjoyed dancing and storytelling.

From Chief Shake’s community house, some ventured on to Petroglyph Beach to view rock carvings dated around 8000 years old, depicting animals and other shapes. Other guests went on an exciting jet boat tour up the Stikine River looking for wildlife and exploring the shallow glacial river delta. The last group hiked up Mt. Dewey and was rewarded with a wonderful view of Wrangell Harbor. Guests had the opportunity to come back onboard for lunch or to explore the shops and restaurant options in town.

We concluded the day watching for wildlife on the bow of National Geographic Sea Bird and were rewarded by spotting Dall’s porpoises. Once we were all onboard, we enjoyed recaps and presentations from our naturalists.