Zippity do-dah up the Stikine River! This morning jetboats whisked us up through the muddy delta of the Stikine River into Shakes Lake. The stunningly blue ice floating in the lake was in stark contrast to the chocolate-milk-colored river waters. Some guests zipped along in a jetboat to the Anan Bear Reserve; the salmon are running and several black bears were sighted enjoying an anadromous snack. The day was balmy and warm in the town of Wrangell, where others enjoyed a bicycle ride around town, a walk on the beach in search of petroglyphs, or a cultural experience at the Chief Shakes House. 

We ended our day with cocktails and appetizers on deck, continuing to enjoy the aberrant warmth in a Southeast Alaska temperate rainforest. 

Some of our Global Explorers would like to share their impressions of Alaska with you as well, in the form of poetry.


Whales by Nola

Whales, beautiful creatures

Big and living in the sea and it

Seems as if they are calling

Come and live with me!


Moss Masterpiece by Ruby Nichols

Moss, ferns, rotting logs…

All beautiful works of art

Please come home with me?


Sea Pups by Adelaide Nichols

Shiny rounded heads

Bobbing gently in the waves

Eyes watch from afar.


Wayward Crab by William Nichols

I found a dead crab,

Floating in the misty fjords,

It fell apart, shame.