After an additional night of the northern lights dancing in the sky, we woke up to yet another beautiful day. National Geographic Sea Lion spent the morning weaving its way through the tight, restricted waterways of Wrangell Narrows.

Elise Lockton gave a fascinating presentation about the history of Alaska just before we tied up to the dock in Petersburg.

After lunch we had the chance to wander along the docks and the main street of this small fishing community. The only way to reach Petersburg is by a boat or plane. A Norwegian immigrant established the town in the late 1890s and you can see many Norwegian influences still today.

In the mid-afternoon, there was an opportunity to go back across Wrangell Narrow to walk with the naturalists through a muskeg, a bog habitat. The photographers went “On Assignment Petersburg” with National Geographic photographer Kim Heacox and photo instructors Rikki and Jack Swenson.

At the end of Recap, the expedition leader became a sea otter look-alike to tell us about Crab Feast and everyone enjoyed this super delicious local specialty. The finale of the day was seeing a lone male killer whale travelling along Frederick Sound as the sun set over the towering mountains. Ho hum, just another day in amazing Alaska!