There’s great excitement and anticipation on board the National Geographic Orion today as we begin our voyage in Kimberley region of northwestern Australia. Best explored from the sea, the Kimberley is a vast wilderness seldom visited, even by Australians. There are no roads. This is why we come – to explore remote and uncharted bays in search of discovery and adventure.

We begin our explorations after a hearty breakfast served in the outdoor café on the aft deck. The Zodiacs follow the rocky coastline in Yampi sound, darting in and out of small bays. To our surprise, the rock layers are wildly twisted and contorted into great folds called anticlines and synclines. We learn that the sandstones were deposited in an ancient sea nearly two billion years ago and were later deformed during plate tectonic movements that assembled Australia’s basement rocks that we see today. This geologically significant area is also rich in minerals, with vast open-pit mines still active today that have yielded more than 100 million tons of iron ore over the decades.

During the heat of the afternoon a surprise awaits, with a visit to a hidden oasis called Crocodile Creek tucked at the far end of narrow bay lined with colorful orange cliffs of sandstone and mangrove trees. A spectacular waterfall forms the backdrop for an inviting swimming hole that, thankfully, belies its name. The only crocs here today are of the inflatable pool toy variety.

Perhaps the most amazing thing about the location is the tidal range, which today is over 10 meters (30 feet) between the high and low extremes. When we arrive near the high tide it’s easy to step on shore to visit the waterfall. But by the time we embarked the last Zodiac shuttle back to the ship, we must climb down rock steps to the boats waiting far below. Impressive indeed.

The late afternoon Zodiac cruise marvels us all, not only at the spectacular rock formations, but also at the extreme low tide that exposes the intertidal zone covered with algae and oysters. Following our foray, we all are back on board in time to enjoy the sunset and moonrise from the deck of the ship. The Captain’s Welcome Cocktail Reception follows with a ceremonial clinking of glasses. The voyage is officially underway as we lift anchor and sail toward tomorrow’s adventures.