Today we explored Yanayacu, an area named for the black color of the water. The sediments and nutrients filtered from the forest have created the right conditions for special wildlife and flora to inhabit this place. Our first outing was a dolphin watching skiff ride where we spotted grey and pink river dolphins fishing and playing.

After breakfast, we went deep into the forest to the Yanayacu Lagoon. This area is already filling up and growing because of the changing season near flooding time, allowing floating vegetation to thrive on this large lake. We had the opportunity to find the wattled jacanas that adapted to walking on a thin layer of vegetation with long toes and big feet. In the back, we found a difficult to spot raptor bird, the hawk eagle, perched in the highest trees.

In the afternoon, we explored Nauta Creek and found many beautiful species of birds and insects along the riverside. Monkeys, tree rats, frogs, and toucans were all highlights.