Our Amazon exploration began today with a different perspective, which we gained by going far up the Yanayacu River. The best way to explore was on a comfortable skiff ride along the shoreline where we were able to experience a vast world of wildlife.

Right at the beginning of the adventure we were surprised to find several pink dolphins in the area. As they approached the skiffs we were ready for our photo op. Nevertheless, the moment was brief as we had to head all the way up the river.

Farther up the Yanayacu River we found a display of colors and songs as the presence of so many different kinds of birds makes possible. In the trees nearby lesser kiskadees jumped from branch to branch. In the upper branches black collared hawks were very good companions throughout the ride. From the darker parts of the trees, the presence of ringed and Amazon kingfishers make it perfect for a wildlife amusement. 

Once we reached the farthest point of our destination, we arrived to a calm water area were the presence of wattled jacanas and striated herons decorated the water’s edge.  At the end of our adventure, we enjoyed the magnificent sunset that displayed the charming colors of nature as we headed back to the Delfin II. Today’s Amazon adventure prepared our senses ready for a magnificent exploration in the upcoming days.