Our first day exploring the Upper Amazon began with a lovely sunrise over the Marañon River. An important tributary of the Marañon is the Yanayacu River. This river is loaded with tannic acid, so the water has a black coloration. When it flows into the Marañon River, it creates a lot of whirlpools, and the fish get disoriented. This situation draws in a lot of gray and pink dolphins. Our guests took advantage of the challenging photo opportunity before breakfast.

After breakfast, we loaded the skiffs and went to explore the Yanayacu River. We were excited to see what Mother Nature had to offer, and we took our cameras with the best lenses and our binoculars. We observed an abundance of birds and primates. We spent the whole morning enjoying this area of the Pacaya Samiria Wildlife Reserve.

In the afternoon, we repositioned Delfin II closer to Nauta Creek, another tributary of the Marañon River. Some of our guests decided to explore this section on kayaks. The afternoon was loaded with great sightings of hawks, egrets, and herons. What a great way to begin our exploration.