Today was our first full day of exploration in the Amazon forest. Our morning started early with a pre-breakfast outing in search of dolphins in the clear and nutrient-rich black waters. We had the chance to meet not only the grey river dolphins but also the pink river dolphins that were fishing in the area.

After breakfast we explored a tributary of the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve where we found a baby black cayman in the middle of the vegetation that floats along the river, and also many beautiful singing birds. This morning, we participated in the reintroduction of baby river turtles as part of a conservation project of the local communities of the reserve.

To finish the day, we explored a small tributary near Nauta where we found a baby three-toed sloth hugging a low branch by the river’s shore. On the way back to Delfin II, we also encountered a beautiful snake swimming in the river.