Today, Delfin II arrived at the Yarapa River after navigating through the Ucayali River all night. The morning began before breakfast with an early kayaking outing. After breakfast, we embarked on skiffs to search for wildlife, and we were not disappointed. We spotted several woolly monkeys, including one with its baby, swinging from branch to branch. Soon after, we observed many blue-and-yellow macaws flying nearby, some perched just a few hundred feet from us. As if that wasn't enough, a couple of saki monkeys appeared, hopping through the canopy of the lush forest.

In the afternoon, we went for a hike in the rainforest. Our guests were thrilled to find tree frogs, lizards, and tarantulas. The people who protect this forest have realized that through tourism, they can make a better living by welcoming visitors rather than exploiting the forest's resources. This is eco-tourism at its finest.