The last day of our expedition through the Upper Amazon began with a spectacular sunrise. The sunrises are very unique here, and the sky was absolutely filled with colors, enchanting us all.

We had arrived to Zapote Creek during the night, and now we had the opportunity to explore. Some of our guests went out on skiffs, while others went kayaking. Whichever way we chose to explore, it was a delightful morning for all.

Along the river, we could see many fishermen, deep in concentration as they checked their fishing nets for today’s catch. The most common fish were armored catfish, Oscars, peacock bass, and “Doncellas” catfish. Each of them kindly showed us their catch. Most of the village people along the Amazon basins depend on these fishing activities.

Who would have thought that we would find so many animals along this creek? One of the best sightings was an immature great black hawk that posed for the cameras. Indifferent to our presence, it just sat there, perched on the branch, stretching its wings and showing off its feathers. It was a great photo session. We were also lucky enough to encounter a mixed flock of birds. Among this group was one of the most sought after birds, the paradise tanager! We were amazed at the beauty of this bird, with its incredible feathers in seven different colors.

Those who went kayaking enjoyed the sound of the forest. Different species of king fisher flew by, incredibly close, while Cocoi herons concentrated on their morning catch as they passed. It was a great way to enjoy the wildlife of the Upper Amazon.

We returned back onboard Delfin II and moved to our last destination, Supay Creek. We arrived to the creek in the afternoon and we loaded the skiffs for our last visit. The highlight of this ride was a spectacled owl that was waiting for dusk to go out and hunt.

It was an excellent day in the Upper Amazon, with exceptional sightings of unique and spectacular wildlife.