Our last full day here in the Upper Amazon began with a nearly full moon setting behind the forest. Some of us took to the skiffs, while others went for an early morning kayak. Sunrise, for me, is the best time to be out in the Amazon. The forest comes alive with noise, and the temperature is quite pleasant. Paddling silently along, we are enveloped by the jungle sounds. 

Some of us focused on photography, slowly approaching various birds and flowers. Kingfishers always seem shy, so we searched for other birds including hawks, cardinals, and antbirds. Another burst of color was a masked crimson tanager. This blazing red and black bird was busy feeding along the riverside. Making our way back to the comforts of the Delfin II, it was time to begin heading back towards Nauta.  

In the afternoon we again went out kayaking and in the skiffs. Throughout this week, we have become comfortable with these adventures and we are amazed at the spotting skills of the naturalists and drivers. This afternoon was no exception. Many more birds were spotted, hidden sloths, and a new monkey species—the dusky titi. As we returned to the ship, a orange full moon rose, ending the day much like it began. 

Finishing the evening with a fiesta dinner, our group slideshow, and the amazing music of the talented crew, left us with happy thoughts on our amazing week.    

When I’m 64!