We started our day with an early skiff and kayak exploration on the Zapote River. The place is a sanctuary for birds; we saw snowy and great egrets and some Cocoi herons flying around the area. Kingfishers were all along the way.

Some new surprises were waiting for us; a yellow-crowned brush-tailed rat in a hole became one of the highlights as it was incredible to see how it didn’t hide from us. The rat was sure about its camouflage strategies! On our way back we found a three-toed sloth, probably the closest we have seen one this week.

We came back for breakfast and prepared for our next visit: The Urarinas Community. Children came to welcome us and guided us to their village, they were so happy to have some visitors! We saw a farmer using his machete to cut the herbs that were growing around the cassava plantation. He had great skills to do that!  No pesticides are used here so the machete is a very important tool.

We bought some handicrafts made by the women of the community and then we had a very cute performance by the children, they sang for us and let us know more about their lives. Back aboard we learned about a very important part of the Peruvian Culture: the Pisco sour!

In the afternoon we visited Supay Caño, and once again we boarded our kayaks and skiffs to explore the area, the trees reflected on the water and the birds flying made us feel in a different world, far away from civilization, just nature around.