Our last full day in the Amazon, time flies while we are discovering nature and having fun! We got the best of this day. We started at 6:30 a.m. with a skiff and kayak exploration on the Zapote River. The light was at its best; the sky was blue and the forest active and mysterious…branches moving here and there… We found squirrel monkeys, and several species of birds, but almost at the end of the ride we had the highlight, we found saki monkeys! A big family, they were having breakfast and observing us. What weird-looking monkeys they are! But fascinating of course!

We came back ready for the last hike of the week. This time we visited Zapote trail, an area that is flooded most of the year, during the few months of dryness this forest becomes dry and that exposes a new ecosystem. The trees are fascinating!  The soil is still muddy; the light makes its way through the vegetation creating a magical atmosphere.

In the afternoon we visited Supay Caño, the option was to visit it either by kayaking or by a skiff drive. The place was beautiful, the river made its ways through the land creating different canals all over the place. For locals the river is like a giant snake moving in the forest. That’s the Amazon: Songs of birds in the distance, deep vegetation, and the river creating new ecosystems on its way, all combined with the richness of its people, their cultures and their mythology. Sunset of course couldn’t be beat. What a way to finish our week in the Amazon!