New Island, Falkland Islands
South Georgia and the Falklands, March 14, 2025

Naturalist/Expedition Diver Shawn Lucas with a HUGE lion’s mane jelly. While guests were ashore, the undersea team explored the underwater world of the Falkland Islands. The highlight of the dive was one of the largest jellies either of us had seen. A gargantuan lion’s mane jelly was wrapped up in the kelp and its bell was almost 4 feet across. Truly a sight to behold and a favorite when shown to the guests at recap. —Justin Hofman, Undersea Specialist
Bahia Almejas, Baja California
Baja California: Observing the Whales of Magdalena Bay, March 16, 2025

Beautiful sunset. —Kylee Walterman, Naturalist
Rábida Island, Galápagos
Exploring Galápagos, March 16, 2025

As we started our very first expedition on board National Geographic Gemini, we began our first full day on Rábida Island, a two-cinder cone island comprised of a high iron-oxide pyroclastic material. Early in the morning, we had a wet landing and continued to explore the island, with its beautiful landscape of green leaves with white and yellow flowers. We also had the opportunity to see and photograph flamingos. —Felipe Wittmer Naranjo, Naturalist
San Cristobal Island, Galápagos
Galápagos by Catamaran: An Intimate Voyage, March 16, 2025

After lunch, we were navigating towards Cerro Brujo when we spotted a pod of orcas. Our captain turned the ship around to have a better look of the pod but instead we found a large pod of bottlenose dolphins and a pod of false killer whales. Among the species of whales we find in Galápagos, these are not that common, so we felt lucky when one came close to bow ride with us. —Gilda Gonzalez, Naturalist (Photo by Cindy Manning)
Isla Carmen, Baja California
Baja California: Among the Great Whales, March 17, 2025

The first day of our voyage started with an incredible sunrise over a calm ocean. —Steve Backus, Naturalist
Rio Seco, Costa Rica
Costa Rica and the Panama Canal, March 18, 2025

Common potoo sleeping during the day within the forest. —Cristian Moreno, Undersea Specialist
Cerro Dragon, Galápagos
Exploring Galápagos, March 19, 2025

Black-necked stilt with its eggs. For most of our naturalists, it’s the first time we’ve ever spotted a nest of its kind. It was an amazing encounter. —Ixora Berdonces, Naturalist
Isabela Island, Galápagos
Galápagos by Catamaran: An Intimate Voyage, March 16, 2025

The vermillion flycatcher! So rare but it was flitting between branches and staring at us. —Cindy Manning, Expedition Leader