Inian Islands, Alaska
Exploring Alaska's Coastal Wilderness, August 23, 2022
![sea otter mother and pup](/link/971d42c891e64347987add26fc83ebee.aspx?quality=50&maxwidth=1920&format=jpg)
A mother sea otter snuggling with her pup as they rest in the kelp beds. Sea otters have made a real comeback in Southeast Alaska since they were reintroduced to the area! —Rich Kirchner, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Petersburg, Alaska
Exploring Alaska's Coastal Wilderness, August 29, 2022
![sundew plant](/link/18f1d9274fae482590fb5c5ffe817e8d.aspx?quality=50&maxwidth=1920&format=jpg)
Sundews are carnivorous plants that obtain nutrients by using their sticky leaves to catch and digest small insects. —Kerri McAllister, Naturalist
Spillars Cove, Newfoundland
Fabled Lands Of The North: Greenland to Newfoundland, August 29, 2022
![zodiac with national geographic explorer ship in background](/link/e23dc55ba13941d482ff4a874514bdb5.aspx?quality=50&maxwidth=1920&format=jpg)
The last Zodiac, full of happy guests, heads for National Geographic Explorer. —David Cairns, Naturalist
Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska
Exploring Alaska's Coastal Wilderness, August 31, 2022
![deck of National Geographic Venture](/link/55befa72d581459f9fc0cb5f4f53139c.aspx?quality=50&maxwidth=1920&format=jpg)
We were treated to a sunny and calm day in Glacier Bay National Park. —Andrew Peacock, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Petersburg, Alaska
A Remarkable Journey to Alaska, British Columbia & Haida Gwaii, September 1, 2022
![fishing boat sailing into harbor](/link/50421096793c48888ef1b90dab64d61e.aspx?quality=50&maxwidth=1920&format=jpg)
Fishing boats come and go in the waterways surrounding the town of Petersburg, Alaska. Petersburg is known as “the town that fish built” because of its deep ties to maritime culture and the fishing industry. —Lisa Hornak, Naturalist/Photographer
Ushk Bay, Alaska
Exploring Alaska's Coastal Wilderness, September 2, 2022
![breaching humpback whale](/link/a5bdb92257c64de89c94fae895b99630.aspx?quality=50&maxwidth=1920&format=jpg)
Our last morning in the wilderness brought us to the protected inlet of Ushk Bay. A humpback whale repeatedly breached, slamming its pectoral flipper on the surface of the water before its tail smashed the sea’s surface. Over and over, this extremely active whale leaped and twirled as we delighted in its performance. —Marylou Blakeslee, Naturalist (photo by Rich Kirchner)
Misty Fjords National Monument, Alaska
A Remarkable Journey to Alaska, British Columbia & Haida Gwaii, September 2, 2022
![national geographic sea lion with rainbow in background](/link/670943427aee4ddb8cd7dca3c2845b52.aspx?quality=50&maxwidth=1920&format=jpg)
National Geographic Sea Lion is bathed in rainbows in Misty Fjords National Monument in Southeast Alaska. —Lisa Hornak, Naturalist/Photographer
Prince Rupert, British Columbia
Voyage to Great Bear Rainforest: Native Culture & Wildlife in the Land of the Spirit Bear, September 6, 2022
![display of labor movement related paraphernaila](/link/f29a97e1e7ab4b7b8548ff36d1b6f05c.aspx?quality=50&maxwidth=1920&format=jpg)
This room showcased a fitting exhibit for our visit, as Canada’s Labour Day was celebrated just the day before. Here we see signs and photos of the UFAWU, a union formed to protect and expand the rights of the workers at BC’s canneries, including the North Pacific Cannery. It may be hard to imagine the working conditions here in the past, particularly for women and marginalized communities. Unions like this one helped fight for concepts we now see as commonplace, including a 40-hour workweek, overtime pay, and workplace equality. It is easy to forget the battles that these cannery workers had to fight, which often cost them their jobs and livelihoods. However, it is so important that we remember those who came before and laid the groundwork for the rights we enjoy today. —Kayvon Malek, Undersea Specialist