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Guests paddleboard at Fatu Hiva, Marquesas Archipelago, Pacific Ocean, French Polynesia
A group of Polynesian dancers perform a traditional dance in ceremonial costume in Hatiheu, Nuku Hiva Island, Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia.
Aerial view of the Marquesas Islands and the ship National Geographic Orion, French Polynesia.
A Lindblad staff member snorkeling among a schools of fish at the Aquarium site in Rangiroa atoll in French Polynesia
Two girls in traditional costume in Hapatoni, Tahuata, Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia. It is the most remote inhabited island in the Marquesas Islands.
Guests paddleboard at Fatu Hiva, Marquesas Archipelago, Pacific Ocean, French Polynesia
ExpeditionsAncient Polynesia: Tuamotu and Marquesas Islands

Ancient Polynesia: Tuamotu and Marquesas Islands

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Join the legacy of explorers, writers, and artists like James Cook, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Paul Gauguin who crossed oceans seeking distant landscapes and discovered a paradise rich in ancient culture and astonishing marine life. On this expedition to the sparsely populated Marquesas Islands, encounter giant tikis on Hiva Oa, thousand-year-old petroglyphs on Nuku Hiva, the wild horses of Ua Huka, lush rainforests with rare birds, and the abundant biodiversity of the surrounding sea.


A local woman wearing flower bracelet at a cultural event in Marquesas, French Polynesia
  • Experience warm, heartfelt welcomes from island residents and visit ancient maraes (sacred sites)

  • Taste local foods and connect with Marquesans during a cultural dance performance

  • On jungle hikes, be on the lookout for birds including endangered ultramarine lorikeet, zebra doves, manikins, and fairy terns

  • Explore one of the world's largest groups of coral atolls and their incredible blue lagoons via kayak, Zodiac, or stand-up paddleboard

  • Snorkel in an extraordinary undersea world of manta rays, green sea turtles, and vast schools of pelagic fish in the clear, turquoise waters of the Tuamotus, and dive in the deep, nutrient-rich seas of the Marquesas

10 Days

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Explorations 2025-27

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Explorations 2025-27

10 Days

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Explorations 2025-27


Kate Walsh Travels to Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia

  • Sep 2023

Recently, Actress and Ocean Conservationist Kate Walsh traveled with us to the Marquesas Islands aboard the Nat Geo Orion. Here, she discusses French Polynesia's unique culture, history, and wildlife with a few of our experts onboard.


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Over 50+ years of exploring, Lindblad Expeditions’ veteran staff and the quality companionship they provide has established the company’s reputation. From expedition leaders to naturalists, most hold advanced degrees and are established authorities in their fields. Some join a few expeditions each year to explore the same sites, some of them spending some time in the field away from rigorous academic work. And others lead expeditions all around the world—with many guests saying, “Where you’re going, we’re going,” and returning time after time to travel with them. Browse our team directory to discover the full cast of expedition staff.

Captain Andrew Cook with guests and Staff on the Bridge of National Geographic Venture, Baja California, Mexico

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Explorations 2025-27