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Traditional Kwakwaka'wakw U’mista Dancer, Alert Bay, Cormorant Island, British Columba, Canada.
Welcome sign in Alert Bay, Cormorant Island, British Columba, Canada.
A guest standing in the water taking photos with a iPhone on the Lake Unwin Trail in Desolation Sound Marine Park, British Columbia, Canada.
A aerial view of the ship National Geographic Quest in British Columbia, Canada
Guests explore by zodiac in the San Juan Islands, Washington, USA
Traditional Kwakwaka'wakw U’mista Dancer, Alert Bay, Cormorant Island, British Columba, Canada.
ExpeditionsExploring British Columbia and the San Juan Islands

Exploring British Columbia and the San Juan Islands

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Discover the pristine wilderness, First Nations history, and seaside communities of the Pacific Northwest. Trace the coast from Seattle to British Columbia to explore isolated coves and archipelagos by kayak and Zodiac, and venture ashore to hike through misty forests. Explore among lush Islands, keeping an eye out for marine mammals and bald eagles; visit picturesque coastal towns; and learn about the native cultures that call this region home.


Two Bald Eagles in the morning light, Alaska
  • Explore remote islands by kayak or on foot, watching for sea lions, river otters, bald eagles, and white-sided dolphins

  • Glide into the sheltered waters of Desolation Sound, discovering its natural beauty by Zodiac, kayak, or paddleboard

  • Visit a cultural center in Alert Bay to see a collection of potlatch masks created by the Kwakwaka’wakw people

  • Search for humpbacks and orcas in British Columbia, and learn about local populations from a researcher for the Center for Whale Research

  • In lovely Victoria, tour private gardens, take a bike ride, and enjoy a private evening event at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria



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8 Days
starts at
Seattle, Washington
ends at
Seattle, Washington
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Mediterranean: Food & Wine 2025-26

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Was $5,897Save $1,179

8 Days
starts at
Seattle, Washington
ends at
Seattle, Washington

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Mediterranean: Food & Wine 2025-26

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/ per person

Was $5,897Save $1,179

8 Days
starts at
Seattle, Washington
ends at
Seattle, Washington
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Mediterranean: Food & Wine 2025-26

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Ship National Geographic Venture

National Geographic Venture




American-flagged, she is ideal for discovering domestic waters. Her design innovations were informed by 50+ years of expedition expertise to ensure extraordinary discoveries.


Expedition Team

Over 50+ years of exploring, Lindblad Expeditions’ veteran staff and the quality companionship they provide has established the company’s reputation. From expedition leaders to naturalists, most hold advanced degrees and are established authorities in their fields. Some join a few expeditions each year to explore the same sites, some of them spending some time in the field away from rigorous academic work. And others lead expeditions all around the world—with many guests saying, “Where you’re going, we’re going,” and returning time after time to travel with them. Browse our team directory to discover the full cast of expedition staff.

Captain Andrew Cook with guests and Staff on the Bridge of National Geographic Venture, Baja California, Mexico

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Mediterranean: Food & Wine 2025-26

Wild Pacific Coast 2024-27