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Guests explore by zodiac in Karukinka Natural Park, Chile
Garibaldi Fjord,  Darwin Range, Augustini National Park, Tierra Del Fuego, Patagonia, Chile
Humpback whale fluke in the feeding area of Magellan Strait in Marino Francisco Coloane Park at Patagonia, Chile
The Pia Glacier lies in a fjord along the Chilean Patagonia coast, Ainsworth Bay, Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia, Chile
Two guests hike through Yendigaia Private Reserve, Darwin Range, Augostini National Park, Tierra Del Fuego, Patagonia, Chile
Guests explore by zodiac in Karukinka Natural Park, Chile
ExpeditionsPatagonia: Chilean Fjords and Argentina's Staten Island

Patagonia: Chilean Fjords and Argentina's Staten Island

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Discover the fjords, glaciers, and panoramic vistas that make Chilean Patagonia one of the most lauded nature destinations on Earth. Venture by Zodiac and kayak to explore Chile’s deeply indented coastline. Glide into fjords and inlets beneath walls of blue ice, hike on shore with naturalists, and watch for elephant seals, Magellanic penguins, and Andean condors. Explore the seldom-seen natural splendors of Karukinka Natural Park and Isla de los Estados (Staten Island) where we have special access to nature reserves filled with stunning landscapes.


Two guests hike through Yendigaia Private Reserve, Darwin Range, Augostini National Park, Tierra Del Fuego, Patagonia, Chile
  • Venture through wildlife reserves not easily accessible to the public, including Karukinka Natural Park in Tierra del Fuego

  • Kayak and Zodiac cruise the breathtaking Chilean fjords that are only accessible by expedition ship

  • See massive glaciers, dramatic fjords, and soaring snow-covered peaks while watching for Magellanic penguins, sea lions, and more

  • Transit the legendary Beagle Channel and look out for shearwater, petrels, albatrosses, and more

  • By special permission, be one of the few people ever to explore Isla de los Estados (Staten Island), located at the extreme end of South America



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Does not include any flights

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Patagonia and Beyond 2024-26

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Patagonia and Beyond 2024-26



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Patagonia and Beyond 2024-26


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With the sun setting and casting a spectrum of warm hues across the sky, the ship National Geographic Orion sits anchored in the calm waters of the Java Sea.

National Geographic Orion




An authentic expedition ship, purpose-built for exploring the South Pacific, Asia, the Mediterranean, and beyond.

Guests exploring by Zodiac returning to the ship National Geographic Explorer, Alpejord Fjord, Northeast Greenland National Park, Greenland

National Geographic Endurance




The most advanced ice-class expedition ship afloat, offering unprecedented access to polar regions.

Guests returning back to the ship National Geographic Explorer by zodiac, Spitsbergen, Arctic Ocean, Svalbard, Norway.

National Geographic Explorer




An authentic expedition ship, purpose-engineered for blue water and polar exploration


Expedition Team

Over 50+ years of exploring, Lindblad Expeditions’ veteran staff and the quality companionship they provide has established the company’s reputation. From expedition leaders to naturalists, most hold advanced degrees and are established authorities in their fields. Some join a few expeditions each year to explore the same sites, some of them spending some time in the field away from rigorous academic work. And others lead expeditions all around the world—with many guests saying, “Where you’re going, we’re going,” and returning time after time to travel with them. Browse our team directory to discover the full cast of expedition staff.

Captain Andrew Cook with guests and Staff on the Bridge of National Geographic Venture, Baja California, Mexico

Special Offers

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Patagonia and Beyond 2024-26