Roots of the Pacific: Exploring New Zealand and Melanesia
Following in the wake of Captain Cook, journey from New Zealand’s North Island to the Solomon Sea. Delve into a fascinating history of explorers, convicts, and traders, and learn about the rich cultures of the Māori and the Melanesians. Examine traditional carved houses and ancient caves and meet villagers on some of the most remote islands of the South Pacific. Along the way, don your snorkel and fins to discover incredible coral reefs and lagoons.
Encounter an impressive diversity of cultures, from the Māori of the Bay of Islands to the spear dancers of the Solomon Islands, and delve into their artistic and spiritual traditions
Witness the Rom dance on Ambrym Island or the kastom dances of the Torres Island Group on Lo Island
Visit World War II sites from the Battle of Guadalcanal, including an optional dive on the wreck of the S.S. President Coolidge
See the traditional canoes of the people of Utupua and take a Zodiac ride along their mangrove-studded lagoon
Enjoy world-class snorkeling or diving among diverse coral species
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Explorations 2025-27
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Explorations 2025-27
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Explorations 2025-27
South Pacific Islands - Beauty & History
- Sep 2023
Hiding among the azure lagoons, white-sand beaches, and tropical forests of places like the Solomon Islands, Fiji, and Vanuatu, the scars of World War II are still very much present. As we call in on these remote sites on our Rites and Relics voyage, we’ll be joined by Ian W. Toll, author of a highly regarded, three-volume history of the Pacific War, who will help resurrect these stories from the past. “When I visit these places, I really do feel as if I’m seeing the history of that war through the eyes of those who were there and that makes it a much richer and more personal experience.”
Expedition Team
Over 50+ years of exploring, Lindblad Expeditions’ veteran staff and the quality companionship they provide has established the company’s reputation. From expedition leaders to naturalists, most hold advanced degrees and are established authorities in their fields. Some join a few expeditions each year to explore the same sites, some of them spending some time in the field away from rigorous academic work. And others lead expeditions all around the world—with many guests saying, “Where you’re going, we’re going,” and returning time after time to travel with them. Browse our team directory to discover the full cast of expedition staff.
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Explorations 2025-27