The maritime power of one of the most important republics in the Mediterranean is no longer measured by its fleet (which disappeared due to tsunamis in the Middle Ages) but by the historical legacy that appears in front of our eyes when, disembarking from our beloved Sea Cloud II, we find ourselves face to face with the steps leading to St. Andrew's Cathedral.

It all starts after lunch when we take our places on the lifeboat, our usual transport. Mighty Amalfi has never had a real port. The ships anchored at anchor and small boats carried men and goods ashore inn an incessant coming and going all year round.

We cut through the crowd of tourists, certainly in Amalfi we cannot be alone, and we arrived at the staircase which, almost vertically, rises towards the imposing cathedral. I think nothing is more surprising than seeing such magnificence in a small town. Amalfi is certainly famous, but few know its history. As usual we have prepared ourselves with presentations on board and, climbing the 57 steps that go towards the sky, we begin our journey into history.