Day two started with a six a.m. wake-up knock, and we had a leisurely breakfast at six thirty. This would be a very active morning on the Maranon River, with a visit to Amazon Natural Park, highlighted by a longer walk through the primary rainforest, to explore this magnificent habitat a little further. Once we had our gear organized, it was onto the skiffs for a very short ride to our point of departure. The guides would be leading us along a well-defined trail through the forest, but first we would embark on a voyage across a lake in tandem dugout canoes. We even got the chance to help paddle these interesting craft!

At the far end of the lake we disembarked these interesting water-craft, and started on our adventure through this alien habitat. We were divided into three smaller groups, each one having one of the naturalist guides doing extensive interpretation about what we were seeing, the many uses of different plants of the Amazonian Rainforest, and history of the area. Along the way we were also treated to the chance to cross a series of seven suspension bridges that swayed back and forth as we carefully negotiated these engineering marvels! Another new experience for many of us!

Finally, it was time to return to the dugouts and make our way back to the river, onto the skiffs, and head home to the Delphin II for lunch, siesta time, and a lecture on photography.

Around four o’clock, we boarded the skiffs again for a late afternoon/early evening cruise of the Pirana Cano, where we were treated to a variety of bird species, as well as close looks at the Giant Amazon Lilies. There was another option that we were given for this afternoon, trying our hand at kayaking on the calm waters of this narrow waterway. Ten intrepid guests chose this mode of exploration and had a wonderful, and peaceful paddle back toward the Delfin II!

The highlights however, were the thousands of parakeets and other birds that were swarming along the back-water, and over the main Maranon River, as we returned to the Delfin II under one of the most beautiful sunset skies I’ve ever seen! An amazing spectacle!   

Soon it was time to enjoy another marvelous dinner, but first we learned how to make a favorite local drink, the Pisco Sour. It wasn’t over yet however, we had the opportunity to go for a “night walk” in the jungle after dinner. Another full and excellent day on the headwaters of the “Mighty Amazon”!