Today was the second day of our expedition through the upper Amazon. As we sail the torrid waters of the Marañón River, we keep discovering new things. Our morning started with a nature walk along Amazon Natural Park. This private nature reserve offers a wonderful walk through the wild jungle, and incorporates a multitude of hanging bridges. In the jungle of this protected area, we saw some of the magnificent and giant trees of several species.  To start the trail, we embarked in wooden canoes and paddled with traditional paddles that have been carved by machetes. 

After the crossing of the artificial lagoon, and covering some ground on healthy jungles by foot, we reached an area of hanging bridges. The perspective from higher up in the jungle is very different than being on the forest floor. The temperature is slightly lower up there, and the rustic bridges make for great photo opportunities. 

After an interesting presentation on native fruits of the Amazon by our local guide Adonay, we visited the community of San Jorge. The population of roughly 700 people is one example of the many human establishments along Amazonía and within the Pacaya Samiria Reserve. We talked to the locals and learned about their traditional ways of living. We were welcomed at a couple of the houses and our guides interpreted interesting conversations, which opened a window to the customs and traditions of the Peruvian Amazon. One of the fun parts of the day was to play with a friendly white-winged parakeet that was kept as a pet at one of the homes. After that, we enjoyed a soccer match between some of the crewmembers and the local team. Even if the locals tuned out to be the victors, we all cheered and celebrated the game. 

The day ended with another wonderful dinner that the galley of Delfin II prepared for us. One of our highlights, aside from the landscapes and the wildlife here, is certainly the local flavors and culture of the Peruvian Amazon.