We are beginning our expedition in the Peruvian Upper Amazon. On this first day in the vast rainforest, we explored the Amazon Natural Park that happens to be a primary rainforest on the shore of the Marañón River. Here, in this untouched area, we went for an exploration walk among the big trees that form the emergent layer. Trees are more than 80, 90 and even 100 feet tall in this place. Being tall means that they always reach sunlight, and they are certainly the tallest. Up here there is sunshine all year round, unlike the understory or the forest floor where it is dim most of the time. There was so much to learn and see in this place, but certainly the highlights were a troop of squirrel monkeys foraging.

In the afternoon, we explored a different place also located on the shore of the Marañón River. A small community called San Jorge was our destination, where we learned more about the local people and their culture. We explored the settlement and talked to the people of the community. It was interesting to hear their stories, and how their lives have improved so much due to the presence of well-managed and responsible tourism. Most of these people are farmers and fishermen, but the women are artisans and they make beautiful handicrafts out of palm leaves.

We had a meeting with the leaders of the community, who happen to be mostly women. They are proud of their land and they love their rainforest, to the point that today all of them are involved in doing reforestation and restoration of their surrounding forest.