Once again we awoke pleasantly surprised by clear skies and glassy water, which certainly isn’t the norm for southeast Alaska. National Geographic Quest entered the northwestern most waters of the region during the early hours of the morning. The day was about as full as can be with hiking, kayaking, paddleboarding, Zodiac cruising and of course enjoying fine meals. The Inian Islands are always nature-rich due to the tumultuous currents churning up nutrients to be feasted upon. Bald eagles, gulls, and cormorants were out in abundance as well as the curious Steller sea lions. The wildlife highlight actually took place in an unexpected location, a small bay below the historical 18-ton, 6-foot-long 50 caliber WW2 emplacement. There in the bay, a lone humpback fed for over an hour with the most spectacular backdrop you could ever wish for. Casual hikers, moderate hikers as well as Zodiac cruisers were able to observe this beauty from all angles.