A beautiful sunrise and mountains bathed by its reddish light were the view today during our navigation in the San Jose Channel, between the peninsula of Baja California and San Jose Island. The ship anchored in front of Arroyo Encantado so we could enjoy hikes and encounter the magnificent insular vegetation.

We saw a cardon forest where hundreds of turkey vultures roost every night. We observed them rising above the sky, riding the thermals. We also walked along the shore and found plenty of shells, fish, and other intriguing creatures carpeting the beach. Back onboard, a humpback whale appeared near the ship, and we all enjoyed the sight.

We sailed to Punta Gatos, along the peninsula, to view the wonderful geology, including old, consolidated red sand dunes and volcanic rocks of all sorts. Our guests had a choice of excursions, including snorkeling, kayaking, and casual walks. The busy day culminated with dinner and a bonfire on shore while a sunset of greens, reds, and blues set behind the rugged mountains.