Located on the southwest coast of South Island, Milford Sound/Piopiotahi is a fiord within Fiordland National Park, Piopiotahi Marine Reserve, and the Te Wahipounamu World Heritage site. This stunning fiord was carved by glaciers and exposed during the last glacial retreat at least 7,000 years ago. It left behind stunning peaks as high as 5,500 feet, water deeper than 900 feet, and cascading waterfalls everywhere.

Many of the guests were on deck at sunrise as we cruised the length of the sound to start our day’s activity of Zodiac cruising, exploring the nooks and crannies of this 10-mile-long fiord. The hotel staff treated us to a remarkable buffet on deck as we departed this beautiful sound and headed toward our next destinations.

After dinner we were treated with the long-anticipated “Crew Show” with song and dance.

Onward to our next adventure to Doubtful Sound.