The last day of our voyage started with quite a shake when rough seas suddenly started to rock the ship around 3:30am. As we approached Cape Horn at 7:30am, it fortunately calmed down. Everybody could then enjoy a full, quiet day onboard.

This last sea day was filled with lectures and fun activities. Acacia Johnson, our National Geographic Photo Expert, delivered an inspiring and very moving lecture about the time she spent with an Inuit community and how it shifted her career towards documentary photography. In the afternoon, our guest scientist, Alia Kahn, gave us an insight on her research on the relationship between snow algae and albedo. The rest of the day was relaxing with origami, a trip quiz and a barbecue.

The Beagle Channel offered us wonderful views over the mountains and the albatrosses that usually glide the wind beautifully spent a lot of time on the water because of the lack of wind. A great Captain’s Farewell and a beautiful guest slideshow put together by our Certified Photo Instructor, Andrew Peacock, came to conclude a more than perfect voyage for both guests and staff.