Plying the waters off the West African coast presents a world of expanse and yet, a closeness to the people who are just beyond our horizon of view. This was a day at sea for National Geographic Explorer, and a respite from the schedule we all seek to maintain. There is no question that we needed a mental and emotional rest after visiting Monrovia, Liberia, a city set on recovering from a civil war that left behind broken buildings and bodies, and unrequited hopes and dreams. This voyage has truly been an expedition of the soul; both to understand the African peoples’ and one’s own as all of us attempt to find the pulse of life’s source in each country and culture we meet. We all struggle to comprehend the differences between the physical world presented to us (easily focused upon with our camera viewfinders), the subliminal images we so often miss, and the true intentions and influences hidden from our sight. Persistent intuitive inquiries made by our caring guests only prove that everyone on board is keenly aware of the complex world into which we sail on a daily basis.

Finally, on the horizon, we began to catch a glimpse of Freetown, Sierra Leone, as it lazily stretches out along the coast; a city reclining on the shores, basking in the West African sun. In our eyes’ attempt to balance the bright blue sea with the tropical sun, one could easily mistake the approaching harbor for one of many coastal cities along the Mediterranean or Caribbean. Upon closer inspection, the port is a remnant of the British Colonial era, with long two-story warehouses stretching along the docks, much like those found in other former colonies. The dock-workers, stevedores, and security anxiously await our arrival as the name on the bow and its unmistaken monikers proudly announce that this is no ordinary ship, but a vessel of inquiry on a voyage of scientific and personal discovery. They peer at us with the same intensity as we do them for we, too, come from strange worlds.

As the balmy evening settled in, we ended another event of fine dining to gather closely together on the sun deck for dancing and relaxation as we are entertained by the Sierra Leone Refugee All Star Band. Discovered by two American filmmakers, these musicians met and organized while still in a refugee camp, and have become a major musical force on the West African scene. Found on the Cumbancha label, The Sierra Leone Refugee All Star Band continues to expand its audience along with their message of peace and harmony.