This morning we arrived at the island of San Cristobal which is one of the oldest in the archipelago. We started our activities after breakfast and headed ashore for a great hike that began by an old creek. As we reached the top we had a spectacular view of the volcanic coast and we encountered some red-footed boobies nesting along the cliffs of Punta Pitt.

This is also the eastern-most point in the archipelago and it is fully exposed to the wind blowing from the east. Here we were able to feel the strong breeze and also how the temperature of the water is slowly starting to change for the cool dry season.

After this invigorating walk we returned to the landing beach for a swim in the refreshing sea. Some sea lions were also looking for shade while a couple of marine iguanas were sunbathing. We also observed a pair of medium-billed ground finches busily looking for nesting material to finish the construction of their future nest.

After lunch we went out snorkeling with sharks, rays and turtles around Leon Dormido. As we finished with this activity we returned aboard and sailed around this islet for a better view of it; we had a great colorful sunset for our farewell.