How far away the snowy hills of Ushuaia now seem; shorts are de rigueur and outdoors it is bright and perfect in the sea breeze.

The birds gave us a dramatic day. Masked and red-footed boobies were around the ship for much of the day, hunting flying fish. Ken Greenwood caught these excellent images...

Lunch can now be served outside, and Patrik is the consummate host and “BBQ Meister.” He also steals the daily dapper hat award. Once again the lounge was full for all three lectures, which could not have been more varied. Mark Curran told the recent history of Brazil through popular satirical block-print publications. Jim unpacked the relationship of upwelling and fisheries. And in the afternoon Roddy gave “a brief history of South Africa.” 

Then it was time to relax and enjoy a musical quiz led by Peter Czifra, with Roddy as quiz master. The Knitting Team won a National Geographic book for their excellent 17 out of 20. At recap the captain gave us insights into the forthcoming dry-dock maintenance planned for the National Geographic Explorer in Bremmerhaven.