It was another day at sea as we embarked towards our third sub-Antarctic Island – Campbell! Days at sea are always the perfect time to recover from the adventure of the day before and prepare for the upcoming one. We had some great presentations from our naturalists, including Alexander Hillary’s narration of his family’s epic expedition legacy. We enjoyed a refresher on the amazing oceanographic systems that dictate many of our planet’s natural processes, as explained by undersea specialist James Hyde. Of course, the photo talks could not be missed, and we had a great tutorial on how to edit images with our phones by photography expert Jeff Mauritzen. Additionally, we were lucky to have a presentation from a representative of Tasmania’s National Park service who talked about the impressive pest eradication efforts of Macquarie Island.

Days at sea are packed with great opportunities to learn something new, and when the weather permits, we can access the bow and look for the seabirds that follow the ship, soaring and gliding with the wind currents.

As the last rays of the sun trickle in, we cannot wait to see what lies ahead tomorrow at our destination.