A gentle sunrise of soft hues greeted early risers searching for sea birds and mammals on the open decks as National Geographic Orion steamed towards Raja Ampat through the volcanic strewn islands of the South Moluccas, brightening a day to look forward to - of relaxation, conversation, education and celebration on the high seas. Our wellness specialist Kat drew an enthusiastic crowd of participants to begin this day with her popular stretch class on the upper sun deck.

A delightful open air breakfast followed in the fresh surrounds of the Outdoor Café, setting the scene for a day of engaging activities, all at an easy and social holiday pace.

After breakfast we gathered in the Lounge for what would be the beginning of a wonderfully entertaining complement of presentations from a passionate line-up of guest speakers and naturalists –a great way to enjoy the passage! The inimitable and exceptionally engaging Dr. Lawrence Blair kicked off our day with his presentation, “Coral Triangle & the Deeps: Stories of Deep Water Exploration.” He shared amazing stories of the mysterious creatures and adventurous souls that have plundered the murky depths and occasionally surfaced for us to witness. Our wonderful National Geographic photographer Jeff Mauritzen, in residence with us for the expedition, then chimed in with his lively and very practical discussion entitled “You’ve Captured the Image – Now What?” This offered us the opportunity to dive into the world of enhancing images, creatively improving our valuable memories. So much to learn!

Lively conversation echoed around our scrumptious luncheon, where spicy Mexican foods and salads were offered under shade from the tropical sun, as we sailed on eastwards.

After lunch, a little more relaxing. Some enjoyed a siesta on the sundeck while others explored our well-stocked library for a good read or brushed up on one or two of the colourful aquarium of fish species encountered along the way on our journey so far.

A sea day is certainly a great fortune as it affords a chance to recharge and reload energies, and most importantly, get a real feel for this region of such a spicy and tumultuous history - to discover many aspects that enhance a deeper appreciation of its importance and beauty. Our afternoon program opened up some very interesting new areas for discussion, integral to enjoying this diverse and unique region that we were about to explore and imagining the experiences of those that visited in times long past.

Chris Cook lifted the lid on the importance of Raja Ampat to global coral and fish biodiversity with his “Raja Ampat – What’s the BIG deal?” focusing on the enigma of this area’s gorgeous and lush coral gardens - an underwater Eden unrivalled in our modern changing world – a reminder of how the submarine world of tropical coral reefs and their menagerie of wildlife might have been experienced centuries ago, before the increasing pressures of population, fishing and temperature. She still exists here – relatively untouched, pure and serves as a glistening reminder to temper our ways and nurture her future.  Afternoon tea was a fitting pause to savour the seas, conversations and tasty morsels served up by our ever generous and talented hotel team.

The one and only evergreen Tom Ritchie – a modern day pirate of sorts who leads every expedition team by quietly going about his business in exemplary fashion – unleashed his cutlass and set free a cascade of legends of spellbinding lore in his afternoon presentation “Sailors Superstitions,” capturing imaginations and new fans of his unique story-telling ways.

After a chance to freshen up, we all gathered in the lounge to enjoy cocktails and to learn more about our inspirational Lindblad Expeditions/National Geographic ocean conservation project - at the Pristine Seas cocktail party. With the valuable perspectives offered by our expedition leader and a selection of experienced underwater specialists, we relished learning more about this quite fabulous and important initiative that promises to keep places like Raja Ampat protected for all future generations.

A wonderful dinner became a raucous and fun celebration as the crew of the National Geographic Orion erupted into song and dance for the ‘Crew Show’ showing a range of hidden and admirable talents, putting a melodious sauce on a most enjoyable day!