“Partir, c’est mourir un peu,” said Edmond Haraucourt, to part means to die a little…

There is a special kind of nostalgia onboard today, and every last moment is savored, the last breakfast together, the last yoga session, the last presentation, the last sunset. Of course, they are not really the last ones: many of us will be back on board National Geographic Orion, as soon as we can, but that doesn’t prevent the slight twinge to the heart when we think about tomorrow.

Sunrise was subdued this morning, with the sun hiding behind the clouds for quite a while. The naturalists alerted us to a group of spotted dolphins riding our bow wave, always a spectacular sight.

Morning after breakfast was occupied with Lawrence Blair’s presentation of “Bali from the inside,” which gave us a lot to look forward to.

Valerie Taylor then presented her film “This Is Your Life,” which moved and entertained us until lunch time.

Most of the afternoon was devoted to photography, with the collection of the photos to compose the voyage slideshow that David Cothran then put together to present during Captain Brian Larcombe’s Farewell Cocktail Party, starting shortly after sunset.

We are all looking forward to the next time we will meet onboard National Geographic Orion.