Our Galapagos exploration brought us today to one of the most iconic islands in the archipelago: Española.  The first activity in the morning was to a deep water snorkeling excursion in the Galapagos Marine Reserve.  Once we got into the water, an underwater paradise was revealed to our eyes.  Juvenile Galapagos sea lions were seen all over the rocky reefs, and the color combination of different reef fish species was incredible, like being in a natural aquarium. 

After our snorkeling activity, we took the opportunity of visiting one of the most magical beaches of the area, found at Gardner Bay.   The presence of Galapagos sea lions all over the sandy area was awe-inspiring, and a great beginning to our hike.  Española mockingbirds displayed a very curious behavior, hopping around very close to us as we sat on the white sand beach. 

Once we were back onboard the National Geographic Endeavour, we pulled anchor and began our navigation to the next destination: Punta Suarez. As soon as we arrived, we found ourselves surrounded by a welcome committee of marine iguanas.  We were also impressed by the sea lion colony located here, consisting of dozens. 

Further along the trail, the magnificence of the place became apparent, as we came upon a sea bird colony that covered almost the entire the coastal area. Nazca boobies were one of the biggest surprises of the visit, but the most emblematic of all was the waved albatross. We were able to observe several courting couples of the different species of birds, who seemed undisturbed and almost oblivious to our presence.  Once we reached the farthest point of the trail, we had the opportunity of enjoying the blowhole that ejects hundreds of liters of seawater up into the air. 

As our journey of the day reached its end, we had the charming occasion to enjoy a magical sunset, decorated by the calling of birds from all different directoins.  This moment was the indicator that the Galapagos Exploration has still more to show us, and tomorrow will bring more surprises and excitement.